10 Safety Tips For Women Travelling Solo In Goa

Goa is often considered to be one of the safest destinations in India, but you can take some precautions to keep yourself safe during your Goa tour
Solo Woman Traveller To Goa
Goa is one of the safest places in India for travellers of all kindsSumit.Kumar.99/Shutterstock
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4 min read

Goa is generally considered to be one of the safest places in India for travellers. Since the state is a popular tourist destination, the local people are quite friendly and receptive to them. A trip to Goa is always worth undertaking as it is one of the best places to experience natural landscapes, meet people from all over the world, and explore its rich Portuguese and Konkan heritage.

That said, women's lack of safety is an issue in India. If you’re planning a first solo outing to Goa, here are some tips that will help reduce the risk of anything untoward happening to you.

Don’t Hang Around The Beach At Night

Baga Beach in North Goa at night
Baga Beach in North Goa at nightFrancis Pereira/Shutterstock

You should enjoy Goa’s world-class beaches to the fullest but try to limit your time on them after dusk. This is particularly the case for less well-known beaches which may not have adequate lighting and fewer people. If you can trust the friends you have made at that point then have somebody accompany you if you must visit the beach at night.

Drink Cautiously

It is best to limit your alcohol consumption to a minimum if you plan to spend the whole night on your own, especially if it is your first solo trip to Goa. Be cautious of who you drink with and carry a pepper spray on your person at all times. If you feel unsafe, alert the staff and exit the area as swiftly as possible.

Consider How To Get Around

Scooters/mopeds can be rented from all major towns, popular beaches and even within some local villages
Scooters/mopeds can be rented from all major towns, popular beaches and even within some local villagesRadiokafka/Shutterstock

Motorbike rentals and buses are the best way to travel around the state. In particular, scooters/mopeds are handy in getting around places within North and South Goa. They can be rented from all major towns, popular beaches and even within some local villages. Travelling by local bus in Goa is without a doubt the cheapest option. Buses connecting to and from the more urban areas of Goa are plentiful and usually run on time. If you’re travelling by taxi, agree on a fixed price with the driver before you get in to avoid conflict over the fare once you reach your destination. Furthermore, track your journey to avoid the possibility of the driver taking a longer route. If you have a driver’s license, get a rental car to travel around the state.

Check Prices

When you are travelling alone, people may try to charge a few extra bucks. Sometimes this may be justified and sometimes not but be on your guard regardless. Before you rent a scooter or go shopping in a local market, try to find out the expected prices of things. You can ask your hotel for help, too.

Add Helpline Numbers To Your Phone

Contact the police if an emergency situation arises
Contact the police if an emergency situation arisesSybille Reuter/Shutterstock

You should keep the contact numbers of your hotel, police (100 and 112) and ambulance (102 and 108) saved on your phone so that you can get help during emergencies. The women’s helpline number is 1091.

Observe The Local Customs

Dress modestly if you’re visiting religious places such as temples and churches. Nudity on beaches and public places is forbidden and punishable under the law. It is okay to wear a bikini on the beach but once you leave, change into regular clothes. You could attract unnecessary stares and unwanted attention otherwise.

Secure Your Documents And Money

Keep copies of important documents in your bag and in your suitcase
Keep copies of important documents in your bag and in your suitcasesoumen82hazra/Shutterstock

Keep copies of important documents in your bag and in your suitcase. When travelling within the state, you shouldn’t carry all your original documents with you because you could risk losing them. Carry cash in your wallet but always conceal a smaller stash in your luggage. Try to limit the amount of credit and debit cards you carry with you and try to pay with your phone as much as possible.

Avoid Wearing Flashy Jewellery

Flashy jewellery might draw unwanted attention from anyone, including a taxi driver or the front desk of your hostel. Carry it inconspicuously with you and put it on once you get to your destination. Take it off before leaving.

Beware Of Tourist Scams

Scams are commonplace in India so do some research about the areas you are travelling to before going there
Scams are commonplace in India so do some research about the areas you are travelling to before going thereKen stocker/Shutterstock

Scams are commonplace in India so do some research about the areas you are travelling to before going there. Keep up to date with the latest information from the state government and police department through their social media channels and read the local news online to be one step ahead.

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