5 Young Entrepreneurs Drop Invaluable Tips For First-Time Solo Women Travellers In 2024

If you’re in your ‘serious adulting’ era, don’t forget to invest in experiences—they’re keep you and your mental health in good stead.
Tips For First-Time Solo Women Travellers
5 Young Entrepreneurs Drop Invaluable Tips For First-Time Solo Women Travellers In 2024 Shutterstock.com
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It’s no secret that travel only makes you richer—in more ways than one. Besides the happy hormones that get triggered when ticking a place off a bucket list, travelling to a destination unknown unravels parts of your personality you never knew existed. Even if travelling solo as a concept has gained a lot of traction in the past decade, truth be told, there’s a degree of apprehension and fear associated with the practice. If you’re a woman contemplating if travelling solo still holds a certain degree of mojo in 2024, we are here to answer that in the affirmative. On that note, we speak to 5 young travellers on the biggest takeaways they’ve gathered while travelling solo. Take notes and inspiration. You only live once.  

 Ayushi Guha

Founder of a communication & PR agency 

Guha recommends carry multiple forms of payment
Guha recommends carry multiple forms of paymentAyushi Guha

“Traveling solo as a woman is a powerful and transformative experience. It fosters independence, boosts confidence, and opens up a world of learning opportunities. Each journey teaches you something new, from navigating unfamiliar places to embracing diverse cultures. Solo holidays allow you to reconnect with yourself and discover your strengths” shares Guha, an independent publicist and founder of a communications and PR agency.  


  1. Diversify your money: Carry multiple forms of payment, such as credit cards, debit cards, and some cash in the local currency. Keep them in different places (e.g., one in your wallet, one in your hotel safe) to minimise loss in case of theft. Have a backup fund that can be accessed in case of emergencies, such as a hidden stash of cash or a separate bank account with emergency funds. 

  1. Women’s travel groups and networking with locals: Join women’s networking clubs because you never know somewhere in some other place there might be a bunch of other women wanting to do the same thing as you. While there can be time spent solo, no harm in a little company with like-minded people. Identify the right local people and be open to conversation. Sometimes these locals can give you some of the best recommendations and could also probably be a new friend made. 

 Nasreen Patel

Founder of Scoop Publicists 

“Solo travel is an unparalleled journey of self-discovery, it is one of the best things you can do for yourself. The freedom to curate your own itinerary without compromise is a liberating feeling, you can do exactly what you want, when you want. I did my first solo trip at the age of 35 and I have to say it is the best form of self-care ever!” says Patel, an entrepreneur based out of Bengaluru.”  


  1. Don’t forget to keep an AirTag on you at all times for that extra peace of mind. Your loved ones will thank you for being able to track your every epic move (or at least know you're safe). Food tours are the ultimate way to discover the city and you get the best local experiences. Keep an eye out for cute cafes and charming markets that you can come back to later. 

  2. Swap boring guided tours for thrilling experiences recommended by locals. Learn to surf, dive, or master a new skill. You'll create unforgettable memories, make new friends along the way and you become a part of a larger community. Locals know where it's at! “Sure, the internet is great for planning, but nothing beats local recommendations. In Madrid the hotel manager sent us to the most amazing spots for sunset and I ate the yummiest churros ever from a shop that was over 100 years old,” she adds.  


Ritika Vaswani

An independent publicist  

Vaswani suggests staying in popular locations
Vaswani suggests staying in popular locationsRitika Vaswani

“As a budget traveller, I find hostels as the best accommodation option, as this not only helps me in budgeting but also helps in meeting like-minded people,” reveals Vaswani.  


  1. Stay in and around busy locations, do your research: No matter how many people have visited a place before you, or have recommended stuff to do, it’s imperative to do your own research. “Check reviews on multiple websites to get an in-depth knowledge of solo travellers experiences before booking one for yourself. Sometimes, the best hostels and hotels can be far from the reach of public transport ease. I prefer to stay in busy locations, from where a bus/metro/tram is available to travel way past busy hours.” 

  1. Take travel Insurance: Even if the country doesn't ask for mandatory insurance for the visa, don't take this thing lightly. You never know what may happen and medical expenses in an unknown place can be a bummer.  

  1. Sign up for free walking tours: Preferably on the first day itself to get to know the city better through the eyes of a local guide and learn the best tips, tricks and recommendations also. You may even meet like-minded travelers in the guide. “Also, talk more often with the locals, they will be the best guide you can ask for your trips. For instance, I tried an authentic restaurant while on my solo trip in Ljubljana, Slovenia, that was recommended by my hostel owner, and that was one of the best meals of my trip. This is wasn't a place that I found on my Google search too, so it’s really telling of how a nice local can help you,” she smilingly states.   

Kamakshi Khanna

A Mumbai-based singer and songwriter  

Khanna suggests going localKaur
Khanna suggests going localKaurKamakshi Khanna

“For me, the best part about travelling solo is that you create memories that are truly your own and feel like your own precious little secret! It has played such a huge role in learning how to enjoy my own company,” says Khanna, a singer- songwriter.   


  1. Go as local as possible: Get a hint of what it’s like to live in the city, the local underrated restaurants, the local artists and musicians and so much more. Basically, rather than asking the tourists what the best spots are, I like asking the locals, must dos because they’ve seen it all. 

Sayesha Kaur

Founder, Form & Flow

Kaur suggests exploring the art and culture of a place
Kaur suggests exploring the art and culture of a placeSayesha Kaur

“I love solo travelling because it offers a unique blend of freedom and self-discovery. It’s an opportunity to explore the world on my own terms, without the need to compromise on my interests or pace. Travelling alone allows me to listen to my own thoughts. It’s a powerful way to reset mentally, step out of my comfort zone, and return home with not just memories, but a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me,” outlines Kaur.  


  1. Make time for art & culture  

Art and culture offer a unique lens through which to view a destination. Museums, particularly those focusing on modern art, can reveal a lot about the current social structure of a place. Beyond the typical sightseeing spots, the path less travelled often leads to the most profound experiences. Curated art walks and street art tours, often found online, provide insight into the pulse of a city, allowing you to connect with the local culture on a deeper level. “Exploring a destination’s art and culture opens your mind to new perspectives. While museums are a great start, it’s often the hidden gems—the street art, the local galleries, the unexpected conversations—that offer the most vivid stories and insights,” she informs.   

  1. When traveling solo, practicality should go hand-in-hand with style. The capsule wardrobe method—where you create multiple looks from a few classic pieces—is ideal for keeping your luggage light yet versatile. Accessories like belts, jewellery, and sunglasses take up little space but can elevate any outfit. Comfort is crucial, especially if you’re documenting your travels for Instagram. She adds, “Traveling solo doesn’t mean compromising on style. A capsule wardrobe keeps things simple yet chic, and the right accessories can transform any outfit. But above all, comfort is key—whether it’s layering for colder climates or rocking a pair of classic sneakers for those long days of exploration.”   

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