Would you Buy a Ticket for a Virtual Trip

With travel plans being cancelled, and the rising threat of new strains of COVID-19, some companies are tapping into the VR realm for travel experiences
Beeyonder is offering virtual travel to everyone
Beeyonder is offering virtual travel to everyone
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1 min read

The global pandemic resulted in many postponed travel plans for globetrotting enthusiasts in 2020. There still lurks some uncertainty on the travel front with the fear of new strains of COVID-19.

In the year of lockdowns and quarantines, travelling is a term that has acquired a new medium owing to technological advancements and the special circumstance created by the pandemic.

Now a virtual travel start-up, Beeyonder, has created travel experiences for individuals with conditions that restrict them from travelling. They are offering virtual travel as an alternative.

How does that work

Beeyonder has live and pre-recorded tours, adventures and activities that anyone around the globe can access. Started by Brittany Palmer, a bilateral amputee, it offers the world of travelling to those who are limited&nbspdue to health conditions, disabilities or other factors.

An individual can book an experience and explore the destination they want to via Beeyonder, with real-time interaction on Zoom with qualified guides. You can opt for a solo or a group trip. You can also ask questions and even access other travel companies.

The website offers an easy to navigate, user-friendly interface, where you can select and customise a virtual travel package for yourself.

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