Stay Connected Even Among The Clouds With European Commission's New Directive

European airlines get a green signal from the European Commission to introduce in-flight 5G calling and high-speed internet
Passengers can now surf the web and stay connected even 4000 ft above. Photo Credit
Passengers can now surf the web and stay connected even 4000 ft above. Photo Credit
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2 min read
Fasten your seatbelts We've got a piece of happy news. A ruling by the European Commission has sanctioned airlines to allow 5G calling and high-speed internet on board from this year on. The initiative does not just benefit frequent flyers but also many European companies. Thierry Breton, European Commissioner of International markets, said, "The sky is no longer a limit when it comes to possibilities offered by super-fast, high-capacity connectivity." 
Is It Safe
If you are wondering whether or not it is safe&ndashas mobile signals can interfere with navigation and communication systems&ndashthe EU has, in fact, factored in the concern. In Europe, 5G operates on the frequency of 5GHz or above, creating enough difference between the frequency at which inflight instruments and cellular networks use. 
This news has also prompted many to question whether the US may be the next. However, the situation does not look favourable for American airlines. The 5G is being rolled out with C-band and frequencies ranging from 3.7GHz to 3.98GHz, which can cause interference as there's no sufficient difference between its frequency and the frequency at which airline instruments work. 
Not Just European Airlines
Although European airlines may have to wait before this becomes a part of the flying experience they provide, the giant carrier, Emirates, is ahead of the race with its new partnership with Inmarsat's GX Aviation. From 2024, the airline's new 50 Airbus A350s will provide flyers with the option to stay connected and surf the web at high speed, even across the Arctic.&nbspThis is made possible by GX Network's impressive five Ka-band satellites, which will be supplemented with seven more high-powered ones. This will enhance the broadband's speed, capacity and resilience even 4000 ft above. 
Emirate's CEO, Adel al Redha, commented, "We look forward to finding ways and options to improve our aircraft's connectivity by utilising GX Aviation for our Airbus A350 fleet. The advanced capabilities introduced by the forthcoming satellites are particularly important, as this will boost capacity across our global network, including aircraft flying over the Arctic for routes between the Middle East and America." 

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