
A website that lets you make an offer price while booking a hotel room
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If one of your pet fantasies is revelling in the luxury of a five-star hotel but you are sadly thwarted by the prohibitive cost of doing so, this ones for you. A website that tries its best to make your dream vacations a realityat a price you choose to pay for it. Go to the homepage of Find My Stay (FMS), a reverse-bidding hotelbooking platform, and enter your travel details. Next, key in your offer price. Click on the large, green Lets bid icon on the right. The websites team will then negotiate your price with hotels in the city you want to visit and offer you the best deals and discounts available. More allure if you are somehow able to pull some strings yourself and find a better deal than the one you booked on FMS, the whole amount will be refunded. And dont forget to share your save story on their website. You might just get 1,500 off on your next booking.

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