Site Seeing Trover

If Pinterest and Instagram had a travel baby, it would be Trover except, smarter and without all the pointless information
Site Seeing Trover
Site Seeing Trover

Did you discover it, yetImagine if Pinterest and Instagram had a travel baby, that would be Trover except, smarter and without all the pointless information. Tailor-made for, and by, travellers, Trover has people uploading their discoveries from around the world along with the location of the place to let fellow travellers know exactly where they unearthed this beautiful landscape. Most discoveries are accompanied by descriptions and local experiences, which provide a deeper understanding for other trovers. Exceptional in planning a travel itinerary, Trover shows discoveries displayed in order of distance from your desired location, showing the closest on top and going further away as you keep scrolling.

The website also has a small distance tab on the left and a virtual map on top to give you a better idea of where youre placed. The Explore option allows you to filter your searches in categories like food, history, etc and every time you come across something that catches your eye, you can add it to your listalmost like a virtual bucket list, of sorts. A perfect travel planningas well as on the roadwebsite, Trover is almost addictive as it cashes in on the Gen Y trend of having all information available in one place, sans all the pain of having to do multiple Google searches. With detailed images of destinations in both India and around the world, youre just one click away from your dream travel real or otherwise.

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