Real Time Digital Portals for a Glimpse Into Other Cities

The goal of the digital bridge is to encourage people to rethink the meaning of unity
The real-time digital portal allows a peek into other cities
The real-time digital portal allows a peek into other cities
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2 min read

Over the last decade or so, people have connected through means of technology in an increasingly digital world. From virtual interactions on video calls to virtually travelling the world, they have broken real-world barriers of distance. Now you can take a tour of so many things from our home.&nbspFor instance, we can now enjoy some of the best museums in the world on virtual tours from the comfort of our homes. For some natural eye candy, we can go on virtual tours that explore some of the best that nature has to offer from across the world.

We can even trade our lockdown blues with a glimpse of the views from windows around the world

Here's another interesting virtual travel concept to add to that list.

The cities of Lithuania and Poland have been installed with a real-time digital portal that allows people to catch a glimpse of both their cities.

Mounted in the center of both cities, the circular digital doors are an excellent example of futuristic design. The portals look like they have come straight out of a sci-fi movie which provides the passer by a peek into each other's lives in different cities.

The portals developed by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University use cameras, live feed, and a large screen allowing residents of Lithuania's capital Vilnius to interact with people 370 miles away in the main square in Lublin, Poland.

It is the brainchild of Lithuania's Benediktas Gylys Foundation which has surely found an interesting solution to connect to people on the other side of the world. The goal of the project digital bridge is to encourage people to &ldquorethink the meaning of unity,&rdquo say the creators. The portal symbolises a bridge that unifies and an invitation to rise above prejudices and disagreements that belong to the past. 

A team at the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University has been developing the portal for the past five years, and coincidently the project delivered in the pandemic lined up well for the cause. The project allows people who have mostly remained at home to connect with other cultures to see each other at a time.

The team in collaboration with the Benediktas Gylys Foundation is planning to install portals in several cities in the near future. The upcoming portal will be set up between Vilnius and London as well as Reykjavik. For more information about the digital doorways, visit the website here.

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