Paper trail

This miniature DIY paper model of Frankfurt comes in a matchbox-sized package
Paper trail
Paper trail

How else to make the best of a cold, grey, drizzly day in Frankfurt but to hide under an umbrella till you reach Schaumainkai street and duck into one of the lord-knows-how-many museums there. I chose well and found myself in the foyer of the Deutsches Film museum which was showing a stunning exhibition on Film Noir. Before I could see that though, I was drawn like one of the many magnets in the museum shop towards the merchandise there. I bought Hitchcock and Chaplin postcards, Film Noir magnets, badges, bags, pencils and most excitingly, this miniature DIY paper model of Frankfurt (&euro 4) that came in a matchbox-sized package for my little friend back home who delights in making things with her hands in school.

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