Now Indians Have To Pay Rs1,200 Per Day To Stay In Bhutan

No more free travel, guys Here's why.
Taktshang Goemba, Tiger Nest Monastery, Bhutan
Taktshang Goemba, Tiger Nest Monastery, Bhutan
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1 min read

Stunning mountains, monasteries, landscapes, and proximity Bhutan - has been a favoured travel destination for many Indians. And so far, unlike other countries, we haven't had to pay to enter this gorgeous Himalayan kingdom.

That situation has changed.

From July 2020, Indians will have to pay a daily fee of Rs1,200 per person. For children between 6 and 12, the fee is Rs600. The fee is to regulate the number of tourists coming into such a ecologically sensitive area. Bhutan has always been&nbspa poster child for sustainable living, but the pressures of development have been detrimental to the natural landscape.We all know how large tourist numbers can overload a country's infrastructure and damage the environment. The world has seen a growing movement towards more responsible travel, and some countries have even held protests against so many tourists. For instance, in Barcelona, locals have reached breaking point and held anti-tourism protests. Bhutan has been one of the few countries which has consistently chosen environment over tourism by taking steps to prevent an overcrowing situation. They do so by charging a daily tariff during peak season for tourists.

So far, India had been exempt from this. But come July, the situation will change. Other countries included in the new scheme are Maldives and Bangladesh.

However, the fee for Indian passport holders is much less than other countries who have to pay USD 65 (Rs4,631) along with a compulsory flat cover charge of USD 250 (Rs17,811) per day. 

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