New Exoplanet Discovered by NASA Shows Potential to be Habitable

While the Earth experiences climatic turmoil, NASAs new discoveries may show potential for a new habitat
Illustration of the Exoplanet found by TESS
Illustration of the Exoplanet found by TESS
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Recent news coverage of environmental destruction and global warming can dishearten a hard-core optimist. People&rsquos fear of Earth being uninhabitable in a few decades is rather rational and very worrisome. However, NASA&rsquos discoveries come as a tiny relief to us as it&rsquos Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) found three new exoplanets (planets found outside our solar system) that seem to be of interest to Earth&mdash GJ 357 d in particular.

Since the planet is not a part of our solar system but rather 31 lightyears away, it has its own star around which it can be seen orbiting. Found on the outer edge of its star&rsquos habitable zone, GJ 357 d is said to have a dense atmosphere. While the chances seem to be on the positive side, further studies by NASA will be able to determine more accurately whether this planet will capture heat to facilitate the existence of water on its surface. 

Additionally, the planet weighs 6.1 times Earth&rsquos mass and is assumed to be around twice its size. It orbits the complete distance around its star in 55.7 days. The exact size of the planet or its composition are yet unknown and further studies are currently underway to determine further information about the planet. 

Two other exoplanets were also found around the same star but dismissed as uninhabitable. Let&rsquos hope these planets are untouched by the destructive effects of manmade activities for a few centuries at least.

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