India Restarts eVisa for select categories

Tourist e-visas remain suspended even though e-visas for other categories restarted for 156 countries
In the pre-pandemic stage, India was issuing e-visas to travellers from 171 countries
In the pre-pandemic stage, India was issuing e-visas to travellers from 171 countries
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1 min read

Although regular international travel appears to be a long way off, India&rsquos Ministry of Home Affairs has decided to open its international borders with select countries and subject to conditions.

As per the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs' order dated March 30, 2021, e-visa under the categories &ndash e-Business visa, e-Medical visa, e-Medical Attendant visa and e-Conference visa has been restored with immediate effect. However, e-Visa under the Tourist category remains suspended.

The list of countries where the e-visa have been restarted are available here. The Indian missions in these countries are also sending out messages on the digital media.

In the pre-pandemic stage, India was issuing e-visas to travellers from 171 countries. But now visitors from 156 countries will be able to avail the facility. The UK, USA, Canada, are some of the key countries who do not figure on the list.

Latest advisories and details of how to apply are available here.

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