Greece Goes into Lockdown Again

There will be restrictions on movement and bars, cafes, theatres, gyms, museums. And high-risk areas will be shut down
Total infections in Greece have now jumped to 46,800
Total infections in Greece have now jumped to 46,800
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1 min read

Many countries are battling the second wave of coronavirus, and are expecting another big spike in the coming winter months.

Several European countries are opting for lockdown and implementing a ban in public movement wherever possible.

Greece has also joined the list of countries that has taken a few safety measures to control social outings for people in order to contain the spread of the virus. 

Reportedly, Greece has extended its night curfews and closed bars, museums, restaurants and theatres in the highly populated areas of the country for a month. Greece is one of the few European countries that has managed to handle the virus better than its neighbours when it comes to curbing the rise in COVID-19 cases by imposing an early lockdown.

The government has said that citizens will need to inform the General Secretariat for Civil Protection via text message if they need to leave their houses, a measure that was also in place during the first lockdown in March.

Greece has also witnessed a steady rise in COVID-19 cases since the beginning of October 2020. Now that the rules and restrictions are back in effect, citizens are wary of another economic crisis more so after Greece emerged from decade-long debts recently.

With 2,646 new infections, the country has seen the biggest rise in new daily cases. Total infections in Greece have now jumped to 46,892 with around 4,271 of them linked to international travel and 14,427 to already known cases.

The number of intubated patients still remains high and is seeing a steady rise with 179 additions. The country has reported 18 more deaths, bringing fatalities to a total of 673.

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