Travel classic The Book of Duarte Barbosa

If Anita Nair is looking for time travel in the reverse, it is Barbosa that she would reach out for
Travel classic The Book of Duarte Barbosa
Travel classic The Book of Duarte Barbosa
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1 min read

I have been devouring travel books ever since I first chanced upon Paul Theroux when I was thirteen. Theroux&rsquos point of view was for many years my yardstick to measure a travel book. But in recent times I have been reading accounts of travellers in the sixteenth-seventeenth centuries and I am stumped for choice between the Portuguese Duartes Barbosa, the French Jean Baptiste Tavernier and the Dutch Philip Baldaeus. One a clerk, the other a diamond merchant and the third a man of the cloth, these were travellers who travelled for a reason and yet in them the call to travel preceded purpose. Even the names of their books, like The Book of Duarte Barbosa, have a certain heft. Of these, perhaps Barbosa is my all-time favourite. He travelled to Kerala and unlike many travellers studied the language and hence his observations of the place and people are not presumptions coloured by miscomprehensions. If I am looking for time travel in the reverse, it is Barbosa I would reach out for.

Anita Nair&rsquos latest novels are Cut Like Wound and Idris

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