Michel Rolland

The jetsetting French oenologist from Bordeaux, has worked with Grover Wines since 1995
Michel Rolland
Michel Rolland
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2 min read

OT Any particular wines that go well with Indian food
Michel Rolland When you have a good wine and good food, whatever food it is, they go well together. I have wine all the time when I&rsquom in India. At lunch today we had a large and complete spread and I was drinking Grover&rsquos La Reserva Red, someone else was drinking Rosé Dry.

I&rsquom very simple with wine. I&rsquom not in favour of organizing foods and wines into categories. Of course if the meal has a very strong ginger flavour, for instance, I can tell you what wine will go well with it. Some flavours change the taste of the wine a little bit. But, if like me you like wine, there is no huge problem what you eat it with.

OT How would you rate Indian wines
Michel Rolland Good Indian wines are like good wines almost anywhere. The difference between an Indian red and a French red is like the difference between an Indian and a Frenchman. Two eyes, two hands, two legs, two arms...everything else is relative &mdash a matter of culture and taste. I wouldn&rsquot come to India as a consultant if I didn&rsquot like the Indian wines I&rsquom doing here.

OT How do people abroad react to the &lsquoMade in India&rsquo label
Michel Rolland When I told people 14 years ago that I&rsquom consulting in India they were astonished. Today if you have an Indian wine on the wine-list, a serious wine-drinker will want to try it. I have a huge private cellar since I&rsquove been in this business for 30 years. Often when friends come home for dinner they say &mdash I want to try your Indian wine. They don&rsquot ask me for a chateaux wine from Bordeaux. Of course, it&rsquos not just the novelty. Frankly, a lot of people are surprised that Indian wine production gives out good wines. So once they try the wine, they&rsquore hooked.

OT Any memorable experiences from your three decades of wine consulting
Michel Rolland India I&rsquod always gone to consult in countries that had a long tradition of making wine. But when I came to India no one was really doing wine here. And going by the book, a tropical climate is not the best one for wine production. So Indian wine production was one of the most challenging situations in my life. And today we have built something. Ours was the first wine done from grapes grown exclusively for wine and not table grapes.

OT Your favourite metaphor to describe a good wine 

Michel Rolland A good wine is a wine I like when I&rsquom drinking it. I would like more people to just enjoy wine. Very often the critics taste a drop and write a foot-long article. I say write two lines and drink a bottle

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