Tomb Of Kings Now Open To All History Buffs

Managed by the French, the tomb of Queen Helena of Adiabene in Jerusalem is now open to all
Old City of Jerusalem where Queen Helene's tomb is located
Old City of Jerusalem where Queen Helene's tomb is located
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Tomb of Kings&ndashthe burial site of Queen Helena of Adiabene, is now open to the public after nearly a decade. Visitors can now visit the courtyard that dates back to 2,000 years. The access to interior burial chambers, however, is prohibited.

The site, which has been managed by France, was closed for the past decade for extensive restoration work. The premises were opened after protests and several attempts by the French Consulate General to re-open the tomb in the last few months.

The site, which can be visited after purchasing a tickets, has also limited the number of visitors in a single day. However, the idea of putting a price on and buying tickets does not go well with orthodox Jews.

The Tomb of Kings, also believed to be the burial ground of Kings of Judah, is located in Eastern Jerusalem. The tomb is also the burial site of Queen Helena Adiabene who came to Jerusalem from Kurdistan, northern Iraq. It is believed that the Queen&rsquos family converted to Judaism and built a palace in the City of David at the end of the Second Temple Period.  

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