Five Travel Trends Set To Be Big This Year

From travelling sustainably to visiting locales seen on movies and TV series, heres a look at whats trending among travellers in 2023
From travelling sustainably to visiting locales seen on movies and TV series, 2023 travel trends suggest exciting shifts. Credit
From travelling sustainably to visiting locales seen on movies and TV series, 2023 travel trends suggest exciting shifts. Credit
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2 min read
After two years of lockdowns and making sense of COVID-related restrictions and protocols, travelling made a massive comeback last year. This year, it is here to stay. Every research points towards a truth we know&ndashwe&rsquore ready to explore and experience everything the world offers. But if you&rsquove been wondering if there have been any shifts in the way we travel, and what globetrotters worldwide are embracing this year, here&rsquos a quick look at the travel trends set to be big. 
Travel For The Soul 
The last few years have been difficult for a lot of us. Therefore, it is only expected that one of the reasons why people would like to travel is to enrich their minds, body and soul. According to research published by, 42% of travellers want to go on a break to focus on their physical and mental health. Expedia&rsquos 2023 travel trends report notes that destinations like Iceland, Norway, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Switzerland are favourites among those seeking wellness breaks. 
TV Tourism Finds Its Audience 
If while watching &ldquoEmily in Paris,&rdquo you&rsquove caught yourself planning a trip to the city, you&rsquore not alone. Expedia&rsquos 2023 travel trends report mentions, &ldquoTwo-thirds of global travellers have considered, and 39% have booked trips to destinations after seeing them on streamed shows or movies.&rdquo The report also suggests that destinations like Paris, New York, Great Britain and New Zealand have benefitted from this trend. 
Off-Beat Destinations Are The New Cool 
Gone are the days when visiting popular destinations like London or Rome earned you the title &ldquowell-travelled.&rdquo In 2023, it is all about exploring the lesser-known or even unknown. According to report, 73% of travellers want to venture out of their comfort zone, with 30% interested in exploring hidden gems. Among Indian travellers specifically, 71% wish to experience &ldquocomplete culture shock,&rdquo reports However, this isn&rsquot just limited to the locales. Travellers also want to add new and unique experiences to their trove of travel stories, such as trying new delicacies or heading to extra-terrestrial hotspots. 
Budget-Savvy Travel Gets A Boost 
Even though people are willing to travel more and have unique experiences, it is not at the cost of dipping into their savings or leaving a massive hole in their pockets. report also suggests, &ldquoIn 2023, travellers are becoming more budget conscious, with 68% paying close attention to how much they&rsquore spending on their adventures.&rdquo The report also mentions that 53% of travellers are open to travelling via longer routes or during the off-season if that allows them to save money. But when travellers consider spending money, they do so on immersive dining experiences, accommodations and shopping for things not available back home. 
Travellers Are Taking Sustainability Seriously 
It&rsquos been a while since the world has been struggling with the global crisis of climate change. Concerns about how our actions impact the environment have also seeped into our travel decisions. According to Kayak&rsquos report, 43% of Indians have mentioned sustainability as their primary criterion while selecting their summer holiday destination. In addition, Virtuoso&rsquos survey cited that 70% of travellers believe travelling sustainably enhances their experience. 

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