Aalto ice cube tray

Take back home a piece of Alvar Aalto designed household object
Aalto ice cube tray
Aalto ice cube tray
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1 min read

In Finland&rsquos stark design landscape, Alvar Aalto looms like a Nordic god. The legendary architect and designer created many a remarkable pile as well as several delectable pieces of furniture and household objects. In Helsinki on a short break, I had designs on him, or at least on his designs. Most iconic of them all is perhaps the Aalto vase. Designed in 1936 and inspired by the flowing dress of a Sami woman, it still sells like hot cakes in Helsinki (even though it can cost you a small fortune). Luckily for me, Finnish design house iittala, which produces the vases, also offers rather more affordable spin-offs. Like this iittala Aalto IceCube Tray. At 6 euros, it was a steal. My favourite drink is now an Aaltotini

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