A traditional board game from Tamil Nadu

From the antique markets of Chettinad, the Pallanguli, even has secret compartments for stashing money
A traditional board game from Tamil Nadu
A traditional board game from Tamil Nadu
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1 min read

It&rsquos an egg tray... It&rsquos a contraption to bewilder the onlooker... It contains secret holes to stash away the moolah... It&rsquos actually a game. Sorry, no prizes for guessing. Called Pallanguli in Tamil (Vamana Gunta in Telugu), it is apparently played in Thailand too. Took me a long time to convince my friends this side of the Vindhyas. But this lovely piece I picked up for Rs 250 in the antique market of Karaikudi, in Chettinad, Tamil Nadu, brings back fond memories of hours of summer fun with cousins in the cool of my grandmother&rsquos home in coastal Andhra.

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