A Coral Reef Has Been Discovered In Italy

And it's a good day for the environment
A Coral Reef Has Been Discovered In Italy
A Coral Reef Has Been Discovered In Italy
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1 min read

Coral reefs have had some bad press lately. First, with the news of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia dying due to climate change. Then, that Florida&rsquos reef region is also slowly disappearing. It&rsquos time for a change. Turns out, Italy gives us some good news. Scientists have recently found the existence of a coral reef in Italy&mdashthe country&rsquos very first The reef has been found in the Adriatic Ocean, near the town of Monopoli.

According to a study published on nature.com, this is the first description of Mediterranean mesophotic coral reef. &ldquoThe bioconstruction extended for 2.5&thinspkm along the Italian Adriatic coast in the bathymetric range &minus30/&minus55 m,&rdquo the study says.

While these mesophotic coral reefs are highly widespread, they aren&rsquot that well investigated and explored.  As per reports, researchers and scientists have already contacted the Puglia Region Office for Parks and Biodiversity Protection, to ask for restrictions on fishing and other activities to protect Italy&rsquos newly found coral reef.

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