Witnessing Saarbruckens Old World Charm

History, culture, modernity all come alive in the streets of Saarbrucken
The city post sundown
The city post sundown
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3 min read

The capital city of Saarland, Saarbrucken is located in southwestern Germany and right next to the French border. On one hand the city looks like any other modern one but only upon discovering and digging deeper, travellers can find out about its longstanding history. 

The county of Saarbrucken came into existence in 1120, after the first castle building emerged near a boulder. It was in 999 when Emperor Otto III presented the bishops of Metz with the castle of &ldquoSarrabrucca&ldquo. And it was only in 1321&mdash200 years later&mdashthat Saarbrucken got its town privileges.

Historically and culturally significant, Saarbrucken has a lot to offer to travellers. Right from the castle, to the museum, old bridge, the Town Hall and the market square, there are 12 major attractions in the city that one can explore. 

And what&rsquos best about the town is that you can discover it at your own pace, and without a city guide or any time pressure. Travellers can put together their own city tour based on their personal travel style, all you need is a city map and a phone. 

Here are 5 attractions that you should not miss out when in Saarbrucken

Old Bridge

The bridge built over the Saar river is probably the most identifiable part of the city and is the oldest bridge still standing in the state of Saarland. During the course of its history, the bridge has been damaged and restored multiple times and continues to charm the locals and tourists alike.

Town Hall

Partly damaged during the second World War, the newer construction of the Town Hall spots a neo-gothic style of architecture. The new Town Hall also spots a 54 meters tower onto its facade.

Saarbrucken Castle

Since its first construction, the castle has been rebuilt several times and has been continuously fortified to keep enemies at bay. First a moat was built between the castle and the city and later the vaulted chambers. The castle today witnesses thousands of tourists frequenting it throughout the year.

Ludwig&rsquos Church

This architectural marvel is the landmark of Saarbrucken. Designed in the style of a French-place royal architecture, its construction began in 1762 and It is named after the prince who ensured the completion of its construction. 

Traditional Christmas Market 

Christmas and the holiday season are a delight in Germany. With roads brimming with life and Christmas decor up across the city, it is one of the most delightful times to be here. The most note-worthy and cheerful part around this time of the year are the Christmas markets. Travellers should make the best of their time while here during Christmas.

This is a sponsored post in collaboration with German National Tourist Office, India.

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