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Indian Responsible Tourism
State summit & Awards 2024



27 september, 2024

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Over the last 10 years, we at the Outlook Responsible Tourism Initiative have been celebrating an alternative imagination of travel that is both people- and earth-friendly. Outlook’s Indian Responsible Tourism Awards (IRTA) is a vital part of our philosophy - to recognise, celebrate and empower the individuals and organisations that are doing extraordinary work, often in the face of adversity, to future-proof travel by embracing sustainability and climate-friendly practices, while making our journeys and experiences joyful and easy on the planet.

We are a UN Tourism affiliate member and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council is our knowledge partner. Over the years, we have built a community of 5,000+ members and partnered with 20+ states and positively impacted 3,500+ stakeholders through our outreach and upskilling programs.The Indian Responsible Tourism Awards – National and State – are known for their formidable line-up of judges, and a thorough and transparent judging process which is is both intensive and rigorous. Our jury are tourism stalwarts who are familiar with our country’s unique set of challenges, and bring to the table their knowledge of global best practices.


To continue celebrating our 200 + national and state award winners and build, inspire, support and amplify the voices of a vast network of responsible tourism stakeholders across all states and union territories of India.

IRTSA meghalaya

The Indian Responsible Tourism State Awards are a natural progression of our core philosophy - to reach out to every last district in our country, and include more people in our tribe! Small business owners, entrepreneurs, start-ups, cultural icons and anyone else who believes – like we do – in an alternative imagination of travel.

After the tremendous success of IRTSA Meghalaya in 2024, we are incredibly excited to announce that we’re partnering with the Government of Meghalaya once again to host IRTA 2024! We look forward to recognising and celebrating the incredible work being done in Meghalaya and tell their stories to India and the world! We invite you to come and celebrate Meghalaya with us on this World Tourism Day!

IRTsA meghalaya

  • Shillong

  • 27 september

  • 10 am onwards

Award Categories

Sustainable leadership

B&Bs & guesthouses
travel Enterprises

Sustainable experiences


Sustainability Champions

Grassroots Heroes Grassroots Heroes
Cultural Ambassasors

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Indian Responsible Tourism State Awards 2024 – Meghalaya | 1st Edition Winners

Magnificent Meghalaya

How can one not feel welcome in a state where every celebration begins with a thanksgiving dance, Noh k jot, and visitors are greeted by a stone carving — two hands embracing a stone — in a a living woodcraft museum (village). Amidst the canyons, mist-covered hills, waterfalls and clear-bottomed rivers live some of the most heartwarming smiles and welcoming arms, who will share with you generations-old folklore about the living root bridges, music from the traditional Dama drums, and bottomless bowls of Jadoh and Pumaloi. Come, experience the magic of magnificent Meghalaya!
