Uttar Pradesh Tripping to the Terai

A trip with the Bombay Natural History Society to the Dudhwa Tiger Reserve
Uttar Pradesh Tripping to the Terai
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1 min read

Go off with the Bombay Natural History Society to the Dudhwa Tiger Reserve on a trip that also includes forays into the Kishanpur and Katerni&shyaghat wildlife sanctuaries. There&rsquos a lot of birding that can be expected (over 400 species have been recorded hereabouts) and that&rsquos alongside the chance to see the Indian Rhinoceros, the en&shydangered Gangetic Dolphin, the critically endan&shygered gharial and Bengal Florican, the Western Swamp Deer and, of course, the tiger. Katerni&shyaghat is home to gharials and Gangetic dolphins too, as well as six species of drongoes plus birds like the Swamp Francolin, Sarus Crane and Slender-billed Vulture (20-23 March Rs 23,700 for non-members, ex-Lucknow bnhs.org).

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