Legend Of The Brahma Kamal, Uttarakhand's Rare Flower

Known for its unique blooming pattern, Brahma Kamal blossoms only once a year, during late summer or early autumn
Brahma Kamal in Uttarakhand. Photo Credit Shutterstock
Brahma Kamal in Uttarakhand. Photo Credit Shutterstock

The Brahma Kamal, a rare flower found in the higher regions of the Himalayas in Uttarakhand, has a distinct blooming pattern. It is known to bloom after sunset and occurs only once a year. The name "Brahma Kamal" is attributed to its association with Lord Brahma, who is believed to have created the universe. According to Hindu religious texts, Brahma was born from a lotus emerging from Lord Vishnu's navel, which explains the flower's name.

The bloom of the Brahma Kamal is believed to take approximately two hours, reaching a diameter of around eight inches. The flower remains in bloom for only a few hours despite its beauty. Hindu traditions consider it a symbol of good luck and prosperity.

Scientifically called Saussurea Obvallata, the flower holds significance in scriptures and is often offered in holy shrines such as Kedarnath, Badrinath, and Tunganath. It is renowned as the King of Himalayan Flowers and serves as the state flower of Uttarakhand.

Beliefs Behind The Bloom

In the Puranas, it is mentioned that the Brahma Kamal is the favourite flower of Mother Nanda and is traditionally plucked on Nanda Ashtami. Spotting the bloom of this flower is believed to be an incredibly fortunate event, and it is said that those who witness its beauty will be blessed with happiness and prosperity. There is also a belief that praying for a wish to be fulfilled during the flower's bloom will lead to fulfilling that desire. The Brahma Kamal also symbolizes resilience and adaptability as it thrives in the harsh terrains of the Himalayas. Local communities celebrate the blooming of this magnificent flower by engaging in festivities filled with dance, song, and joy.

As per Hindu mythology, the Brahma Kamal is a celestial flower that blooms for only one night each year, usually during late summer or early autumn. It is also considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity in Hinduism, and its religious significance has made it famous.

Beyond The Legend

The Brahma Kamal is also believed to hold a significant value in Tibetan medicine and Ayurveda due to its healing properties. Local communities rely on it extensively to treat cuts and bruises.

Unfortunately, its natural habitat has been shrinking in recent decades due to environmental factors like global warming, human encroachment, and excessive harvesting. The state government has reportedly initiated nurseries in Garhwal's Chamoli district to preserve the flower and its related species, recognizing their medicinal importance.

Where To Find

The elusive Brahma Kamal flower can be sighted in the districts of Kedarnath, Hemkund Sahib, and Tungnath.

Cover Photo Credit Shutterstock

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