5 Strangest Islands In The World

From the mythical islands of ancient legends to the unique ecosystems that have developed in isolation, these islands offer a glimpse into the oddities of our world
Moais at Ahu Tongariki (Easter island, Chile). Cover Photo Credit Shutterstock
Moais at Ahu Tongariki (Easter island, Chile). Cover Photo Credit Shutterstock
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In history and folklore, many mythical islands have intrigued the fantasies of seafarers and storytellers alike. One such example is Atlantis, the legendary island first mentioned by the Greek philosopher Plato. According to his accounts, Atlantis was an advanced civilization that vanished beneath the sea. Despite extensive searches, Atlantis remains a mythical island, its existence confined to the realm of imagination. However, apart from imaginary and mythological islands, there are real islands in the world that possess truly strange characteristics. Here are the top picks for the five strangest islands in the world.

Socotra Island

Situated in the Arabian Sea, Socotra Island is renowned for its otherworldly landscape and exceptional biodiversity. This remote island is home to a staggering array of unique plant and animal species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth. Its distinct dragon's blood trees and unusual mushroom-shaped rocks make Socotra unique. Despite its allure, Socotra remains relatively inaccessible to the world due to its remote location off the coast of Yemen.

Hashima Island

Located off the coast of Nagasaki, Japan, Hashima Island is an abandoned ghost town with a haunting atmosphere. Once a bustling coal mining community, it was abruptly abandoned in the 1970s when the coal industry declined. Today, the island's decaying buildings and empty streets are eerie reminders of its former inhabitants. Hashima Island, also known as Gunkanjima or Battleship Island, is open to tourists who can explore its hauntingly beautiful ruins and learn about its industrial past.

Poveglia Island

Situated in the Venetian Lagoon, Italy, Poveglia Island has a chilling reputation that has earned it the title of "the world's most haunted island." This small isle was used as a quarantine station for plague victims in the past, and it is rumoured to be plagued by malevolent spirits. Access to Poveglia Island is restricted, but brave visitors can glimpse its foreboding presence from nearby boats.

Easter Island

Situated in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, Easter Island is renowned for its giant stone statues, known as moai. These massive monolithic figures, standing guard over the island, have puzzled historians and archaeologists for centuries. The island is a remote and captivating destination, with its intriguing culture, volcanic landscapes, and rich history. Today, Easter Island welcomes travellers who can explore its archaeological sites, learn about its indigenous Rapa Nui culture, and marvel at the ancient moai.

Snake Island

Situated off the coast of Brazil, Snake Island, officially known as Ilha da Queimada Grande, is a place of both fascination and fear. This island is infamous for its dense population of venomous golden lancehead snakes, a species found exclusively on the island. The concentration of snakes on Snake Island is so high that it is considered one of the most dangerous places on Earth. Due to the perilous nature of the snakes and to protect both the visitors and the snakes themselves, access to Snake Island is strictly prohibited, making it an isolated and mysterious landmass in the Atlantic Ocean.

Cover Photo Credit Shutterstock

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