A Gandhi Trail Across India Places Dedicated To The Father Of The Nation

Embark on a Gandhi trail across India taking you from tiny town of Porbandar to the cultural paradise of Madurai with a stopover at the student city of Pune
Gandhi's steps recreated at the Gandhi Memorial Museum, Delhi
Gandhi's steps recreated at the Gandhi Memorial Museum, Delhi
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3 min read

The country rejoices tomorrow on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, celebrating the birthday of the man whose contributions proved essential in India's independence from the British. The Indian activist who spearheaded the nation's quest for separation from British rule was born on the 2nd of October, exactly 149 years ago. 

Serving as a formidable opponent to the Brits, Gandhi was assassinated in early 1948. Recognised as the Father of the Nation, Monhandas Karamchand Gandhi travelled through the many faces of India in his search for independence. From the education city of Pune to the streets of Gujarati port-side city of Porbandar to the once capital and cultural hub of India, Calcutta, Gandhi has established his ideologies within the heart of the country. 

So, celebrate this Gandhi Jayanti by visiting historic monuments and locations related to the Mahatma and discover the works of the man whose beliefs and practices are so far spread. 

Kirti Mandir, Porbandar

Located in the Gandhi's hometown, the Kirti Mandir is adjacent to the ancestral home of the family. The mandir was constructed in his tribute after he was freed from captivity from the Aga Khan Palace. The monument is a complex integration of the six major religions of India to symbolise Gandhi's respect for the diversity of faiths in the country. Architectural elements from Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism and Zoroastrianism come together to form this enormous structure. 

Sabarmati Aashram, Ahemdabad

The base from where Gandhi led his Dandi march in 1930, the Sabarmati Aashram was the abode of the Father of the Nation for 12 long years. While at this aashram, Gandhi formed a tertiary school specialising in manual labor, agriculture, and literacy. The museum at the ashram is a must-visit containing letters by Gandhi, while the Gandhi in Ahmedabad gallery tracks his life between the years 1915-30 through pictures. The library, nearby, consists 35,000 books on Gandhi and the freedom movement providing a great space for further in-depth knowledge on the subject for those who wish to learn more.

Gandhi Smriti/Raj Ghat, Delhi

On this auspicious occasion, a visit to the Gandhi Smriti can't be overlooked. A museum to remember the ex-barrister, this was where Mahatma Gandhi spent the last days of his life before being shot. A Martyr's Column stands to remember where Gandhi was assassinated while offering his prayers. Close by is the Raj Ghat, which marks the spot of Gandhi's cremation. a black marble platform, left open to the sky, is embellished with an eternal flame at one of its end to mark the immortality of Mohandas Karamchand&nbspGandhi.  

Aga Khan Palace, Pune

Closely linked to the freedom movement, this palace served as a prison for Mahatma Gandhi and his wife, Kasturba Gandhi who also passed away here. While the famous movie Gandhi was shot here, numerous pictures depicting scenes from the freedom struggle populate the corridors of this location. The room where Gandhi used to take science classes are preserved while table where Kasturba and Mahatma Gandhi used to have their meal is also kept safe. The palace, surrounded by an extensive garden, holds festival on momentous days such as the Gandhi Jayanti to celebrate the contributions of the significant activist.

Gandhi Memorial Museum, Madurai

One of the five Gandhi&nbspSanghralayas in India, the museum has a fine collection of letters by the activist. Letters such as&nbspa congratulatory message to freedom fighter and poet Subramania Bharati along with one addressing to Adolf Hitler who Gandhi refers to as "Dear Friend" are highlights here. A special exhibition, 'India Fights For Freedom', shows India's fight for independence in 265 illustrations.

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