The magic of Morocco

Exploring the multi-sensory delights of Marrakech and Casablanca
Cars jostle with mule-drawn carts in the walled city in Marrakech
Cars jostle with mule-drawn carts in the walled city in Marrakech
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Before travelling to the medieval marvel that is Marrakech, I did a fair bit of reading and trawled the internet for all the information I might conceivably need. I watched The Man Who Knew Too Much, the Hitchcock classic that&rsquos set in this Moroc&shycan city, a number of times. But no amount of homework, it seemed, could have prepared me for the sights and sounds of the old fortified town or medina of Marrakech for its wild labyrinthine streets that just would not let me find my hotel, for the stream of Arabic words in which I thought I would soon drown, or for the delightful chaos all around. There were orange juice vendors hollering, snake charmers playing music, men in full-length jellabas telling stories and fortunes, women in veils scurrying past with children scampering in their wake, mule-drawn carts jostling with Mercedes for road space and overwhelmed tourists capturing the &lsquoexotic&rsquo with their cameras.

The souks of the medina are the nearest things to the bazaars of Arabian Nights &mdash bustling squares surrounded by a dense maze of nar&shyrow alleys selling an endless list of items dried fruits, spices, pickles, olives, ceramic pots, wooden chests, baskets, perfume, shoes, kaftans, jewellery, and, of course, carpets

The main attraction of the medina is the centuries-old Jemaa el- Fnaa, the central square. At daytime, you will find the square occupied by snake charmers, fortune-tellers, henna painters, fire jugglers, traditional healers and fruit sellers. As the shadows lengthen, the snake charmers make way for the dancing-boys. Sunset at the square is sublime, and as you gaze in wonderment at the Koutoubia mosque silhouetted against a red sky, the performers slowly move out. And in roll a hundred food stalls. Come evening, the square is transformed into arguably the world&rsquos largest open-air barbeque site. The food stalls serve a mind-boggling variety of dishes snail soup served in small bowls, lamb chops, fish, kebabs, breads and tagines to go with them. Every dish is served with a small glass of mint tea, Morocco&rsquos national drink.

Marrakech has a celluloid connection too deep to ignore. Lawrence of Arabia, The Man Who Knew Too Much, The Gladiator, The Mummy and many more Hollywood blockbusters have been shot here. How&shyever, with the locals, it is Bollywood that rules. In fact, cinema halls showing Indian movies are a common sight.

In complete contrast to the narrow alleys of Marrakech, Casa&shyblanca &mdash or Caza, as the locals call it &mdash is a modern city with wide, multi-lane streets lined with palm trees. Its skyline is dominated by the tall minaret (one of the world&rsquos tallest) of the Hassan II Mosque, which stands sentinel-like over the entire city. Inaugurated in 1993, the mosque is Caza&rsquos biggest tourist attraction. And when you enter the mosque, you&rsquore in for an even more breathtaking revelation a part of it is built right over the Atlantic Ocean, whose waters can be seen below the glass floor of the mosque&rsquos hall Evidently, King Hassan II wanted the mosque built on the water &lsquobecause God&rsquos throne is on the water.&rsquo He also wanted Casablanca to be &lsquoendowed with a large, fine building of which it can be proud until the end of time.&rsquo

It&rsquos fair to say that that wish of King Hassan II has been realised.

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