Four Food Fight Festivals Of Spain Just As Fun As La Tomatina

From meringues to eggs, there are very few foods that have escaped the glorious food fight tradition of Spain
La Tomatina Festival in Spain. Photo Credits BearFotos/
La Tomatina Festival in Spain. Photo Credits BearFotos/
The La Tomatina festival, where thousands of ripe tomatoes are thrown around, colouring Bunol red, is Spain's most popular food fight. However, the list continues. The culture of celebrating by throwing food at each other is especially embraced in Spain, unlike any other country. From meringues to eggs, very few foods have escaped Spain's glorious food fight tradition. 
Here's a list of all the other food fight festivals in Spain that you can witness throughout the year
La Merengada
Also known as Candy Fight, this festival sees the people of Spain throw meringue pies at each other. This annual meringue war takes place in Vilanova i la Geltrú on Fat Thursday, celebrated in other countries by eating unlimited cakes and candies. Even the Catalans resort to throwing sweets at one another when they run out of meringue pies. The festival takes place in February. 
Battle of Wine 
The Battle of Wine in Haro is as intoxicating as it sounds. At this festival, thousands of litres of red wine are thrown at each other. By rule, everybody is supposed to be dressed in all-whites. The main event, held in June, begins in Haro's main square and slowly flows through the whole city. 
Flour Fight 
Meringue pies and wine sound dreamy. However, this festival is anything but that. Held on December 28 every year, the people of Ibis take to the streets to throw eggs and flour at each other. Married men, called Els Enfarinats or "the floured ones," exercise control over the village for a day, setting a few silly laws the villagers must follow. At the same time, folks recognised as La Oposicio or "the opposition" try to restore peace. 
La Raima Grape Throwing Festival 
This festival has been Pobla del Duc's special celebration since the 1930s. The annual festival is celebrated to signal the conclusion of the grape harvest&ndashand there's no better way to do so than to fling around 90 tonnes of locally harvested Garnacha Tontorera grapes. The festival takes place at the end of August. 

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