Gandhi Jayanti 2023: 8 Places That Celebrate His Legacy

From where he embarked on Dandi March to where he breathed his last, here's a list of places around the world that celebrate his legacy on Gandhi Jayanti 2023
Gandhi's statue at Raisina Hills, New  Delhi
Gandhi's statue at Raisina Hills, New
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Sabarmati Ashram

Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad

Located along the banks of the Sabarmati River, Gandhiji lived there with his wife, Kasturba. The place was beautiful and had a strategic significance as this is where he embarked on the Dandi March.

Kirti Mandir

Kirti Mandir, Porbandar

The Kirti Mandir consists of a small museum at Gandhi's birthplace. The museum contains items used by Gandhiji, his early photographs, paintings, books, etc. The birthplace was a three-storeyed haveli, and several famous world leaders have visited the Kirti Mandir.


Sevagram, Wardha

Sevagram, originally called Shegaon, was given its present name by Gandhiji, who left his Sabarmati Ashram to settle here and decided never to return to Sabarmati until the nation became independent. At Sevagram, Gandhi founded another ashram dedicated to achieving independence.

Aga Khan Palace
Aga Khan

Aga Khan Palace, Pune

The British used the Age Khan Palace to imprison Gandhiji, his wife Kasturba and other freedom fighters. Here, Ganhi's wife, Kasturba, had passed away after 18 months of imprisonment. Her samadhi can be found there.

Constitutional Hill, Johannesburg

Some of the greatest renowned heroes in history were imprisoned in the old fort at Constitutional Hill. Gandhi and Nelson Mandela both served time here. It now houses a museum displaying the remnants of our revolutionaries.

The Mani Bhavan Gandhi Museum
The Mani Bhavan Gandhi

The Mani Bhavan Gandhi Museum, Mumbai

For 17 years, from 1917 to 1934, Bombay served as the centre of all Gandhi's activities. The Non-Cooperation, Satyagraha, Swadeshi, Khadi, and Khilafat movements originated in this region. The 50,000 books by and on Gandhi that are kept in this location are a big draw for tourists.

Gandhi Smriti

Gandhi Smriti, New Delhi

Formerly known as Birla Bhawan, Gandhi spent his last moments here after spending 144 days. Visitors can see his living quarters and pray in the chamber where he spent his last moments.

National Gandhi Museum and Library
National Gandhi Museum and

National Gandhi Museum and Library, New Delhi

The museum was founded after Gandhi's death and displays his personal items, including his glasses and slippers. It also features a notable collection of art and artifacts, such as his Dandi March stick and prison bowl, reminding us of the sacrifices made in defending human rights.

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