New Normal: The Need To Build Resilient Communities & Destinations

There are no superheroes who will fly in with aid to save us, we all have to be glocal superheroes now
A destination that takes care of its people with compassion and empathy, will be a place one would want to visit in the future
A destination that takes care of its people with compassion and empathy, will be a place one would want to visit in the futureShutterstock
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5 min read

The tourism industry has seen many disasters. Terrorist attacks, earthquakes, climate crisis related natural disasters, financial market collapses and infectious diseases like SARS in the past. It's a long list.

The past was about localised challenges. Regional challenges. Some other parts of the world still continued to function. When Bird flu spread across South East Asia, tourism elsewhere didn't stop. When there was militancy in Kashmir, Kerala tourism benefited. When Plague inflicted scores of deaths in Surat in the 90s, domestic tourism increased in others parts of India. Nipah virus crisis in Kerala benefited destinations elsewhere. Tourism didn't stop altogether. It was business as usual elsewhere.

But Covid-19 changed it all. Many a times in the humanitarian sector, we speak about localisation. About how to build capacities of local players and find resources when it comes to disaster management. This way aid agencies (Global) can focus on their core competencies. All of a sudden, there is no superhero from 'somewhere' else who will fly in with aid to save us. We have all become locals. We are all global. We all have to be glocal superheroes now, and how!

ITB Berlin, the world’s largest travel and tourism show had to shut down amid the Covid-19 pandemic, for the first time in its history
ITB Berlin, the world’s largest travel and tourism show had to shut down amid the Covid-19 pandemic, for the first time in its historyWikimedia Commons

The fact that ITB Berlin, the world’s largest travel and tourism show had to shut down for the first time in its history was the the first signal for what was to come.

Just before the spread of Covid-19, we were busy talking about the impact of Climate Crisis and it was just that. Merely talking. There were very few serious initiatives from tourism industry considering the global scale of impact. We were starting to see the impact of climate change in our lives and businesses, but it wasn't yet catastrophic enough for 'everyone' to notice. It was still kind of 'it won't affect me' sort of impact. Finally, we have met with an adversary in Covid-19 that makes us think once again about building a resilient world.

Resilient Communities & Destinations Are The New Normal

The once-in-hundred-year-flood, occasional infectious disease epidemics etc are becoming part of normal lives. Kerala’s last big flood of similar magnitude before the 2018 one was in 1924, but a flood of similar magnitude hit the state again in just a year in 2019. Ebola, Nipah and other viruses are becoming frequent visitors. How do we become resilient in a world where one out of ten adults are otherwise benefiting out of existing tourism network?

More than ever, we—those in the development sector, civil society organisations, governments, humanitarian sector, tourism industry—need to come together to create better places for people to live and for people to visit. It's time to handhold and transform the way we see and live the world. Going back to the 'Old Normal' is not one amongst the options. Humans have been in crisis earlier and they have overcome it in the past.

Future Of Tourism

Though tourism is a product that is consumed by tourist, it cannot be seen as a standalone product any longer. Tourism, especially with a focus on quadruple bottom line sustainability, including climate adaptability, is intertwined with the welfare of people and places. Especially those focusing on experiential tourism know well that the story our travellers carry back with them is about how we create a better place for people to live before there's a place to visit.

Each destination should prepare a sustainable/resilient tourism policy and work hard to implement it in consultation with industry and community stakeholders.

In the past 15 years, destinations have experienced tsunami, cyclones and floods. It's time to work together to build each destination as a resilient destination. In the rush to address the Covid-19 crisis, we should not forget the Climate Crisis.

Repurpose Tourism Tools

Like how Uber managed to engage un-utilised private cars to create a new economy, there are different ways in which tourism can use its human resources and material resources to help create sustainable/resilient destinations.

A simple kayak can be a Conservation tool to plant mangroves, Income generation tool by offering sightseeing services and a Search and rescue tool during  natural disasters
A simple kayak can be a Conservation tool to plant mangroves, Income generation tool by offering sightseeing services and a Search and rescue tool during natural disastersWikimedia Commons

A simple kayak, canoe or a boat that's used by farmers and fishermen or adventure activity partners can be a Conservation tool (to plant mangroves or collect paddy in low lying areas), Income generation tool by engaging travellers for offering storytelling or sightseeing services, Search and rescue tool during a natural disasters. Like how we are re-purposing our hotel rooms to support the state during this crisis. It's a win-win for community, tourism and the state.

For destination or tourism and hospitality partners, prepare a thorough case study and positive stories of how this crisis was being handled. Any destination that takes responsibility to document their stories will be an attractive place to visit.

Resilient destinations should be the phase two of Responsible Tourism initiatives globally, where the state works together with tourism industry to create decentralised resilient destinations. For instance, a group of hotels can come together to support a project like 'Pokkali - The Story of Rice', which ensures food security for the community during a crisis like flood, a supplementary source of income for farmers, an income generation activity for tourism providers as well as communities, a great travel experience for travellers. During a crisis like a natural disaster, the skills developed by the Pokkali farmers in rescue, first response, kayaking etc became an asset in disaster management.

The focus should be on different destinations, different projects co-created by communities and travel industry, ensuring localisation of disaster management/humanitarian activities that are also financially sustainable.

A destination that takes care of its people with compassion and empathy, will be a place one would want to visit in the future. Post Covid-19, travellers are showing interest in responsible, conscious and transformative way of life with travel high on their agenda.

To meet such a demand as well as to support their own sustainability, tourism industry should marry into the idea of responsible tourism seriously. A destination where local Government, Civil Society Organisations, Development Sector, Humanitarian Sector and Tourism sector work together for the betterment of local people.

Success of tourism entrepreneurs will be about how they tweak these 'development' initiatives into immersive travel experiences. It's goodbye to standalone experiences.

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