TOFTigers is a nonprofit NGO promoting sustainable tourism in India and Nepal
TOFTigers is a nonprofit NGO promoting sustainable tourism in India and NepalCourtesy: Erwin Angel D'Rose

Cutting Through Greenwash: How Certifications Ensure Sustainable Tourism

TOFTigers is a nonprofit promoting sustainable tourism in South Asia. Their eco-rating certification system helps travelers identify accommodations committed to environmental and social responsibility
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In the dynamic landscape of tourism, where greenwashing often taints sustainability, certifications can help distinguish between genuine efforts and marketing gimmicks. Green certification systems encourage businesses to enhance their environmental credentials. They also empower consumers to make more informed choices by providing credible information about a product's environmental impact.

TOFTigers is a nonprofit NGO promoting sustainable tourism in India and Nepal. Our initial focus was to work towards conserving tiger numbers as part of Project Tiger. However, our mission has expanded to improving the ecological and economic sustainability of the wild lands and wildlife across South Asia through supply chain campaigns.

Our PUG and FOOT eco-rating certification is at the heart of TOFTigers' initiatives. Recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council, it covers over 70 accommodations in India and Nepal. This certification reflects TOFTigers' commitment to fostering sustainable practices across the continent.

TOFTigers is a nonprofit NGO promoting sustainable tourism in India and Nepal
Beyond The Brochure: Unmasking Greenwashing In Travel

Obstacles And Objectives

For us, crafting criteria that addressed diverse environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability, while remaining feasible for accommodations of all sizes and locations was paramount. Additionally, ensuring that certifications were simple enough for accommodations, especially smaller ones with limited resources, posed a challenge. In particular, the possibility of fraud or mismanagement loomed large.

To overcome these challenges, we consulted stakeholders to understand the diverse needs and perspectives within the industry. We collaborated with sustainability experts, academics, and industry professionals to develop comprehensive and pragmatic certification criteria that were meaningful and attainable. We also designed our certification process to be flexible to accommodate hospitality providers' unique contexts and capacities.

Protecting Wildlife And Local Communities

Sustainable tourism certifications have significantly impacted the promotion of wildlife conservation and sustainable tourism practices. Wildlife habitats have seen increased protection, with certified accommodations implementing measures to minimise their environmental footprint. Local communities have benefited from tourism revenues generated by certified accommodations, fostering economic development and preserving cultural heritage. Tourist satisfaction has surged as surveys indicate a growing preference for certified accommodations due to their commitment to sustainability.

These certifications have catalysed positive change and benefitted wildlife conservation, local communities, and tourists by addressing challenges through collaborative efforts and practical solutions. 

As the momentum towards sustainable tourism continues to grow, certifications will remain pivotal in ensuring accountability and transparency, driving the industry towards a more sustainable future.

Ritu Makhija is the sustainability director with TOFTigers. She has 25 years of experience in the tourism sector and is a qualified sustainable tourism expert with a Global Sustainable Tourism Council certification

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