International Tiger Day 2024: Top Tips From Experts On Planning A Tiger Safari

Outlook Traveller spoke with Ritu Makhija from TOFTigers and Sharad Vats from Nature Safari India about planning a tiger safari
International Tiger Day 2024: Tips From Experts On Planning A Tiger Safari
India had increased its tiger population from 2,967 in 2018 to 3,682 in 2022Sourabh Bharti/Shutterstock
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5 min read

International Tiger Day takes place on July 29 every year to raise public awareness and support for tiger conservation. In 1973, Project Tiger was initiated by the Indian government to protect the Bengal Tiger and establish tiger reserves to grow their population. Nearly fifty years later, the results of the 2022 Tiger Census were released. It found that India had increased its tiger population from 2,967 in 2018 to 3,682 in 2022, which made the country home to approximately 75 per cent of the world’s tiger population.

According to the National Tiger Conservation Authority, there are 55 tiger reserves which attract millions of visitors every year to see India’s national animal. The apex predator plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance and health of forest ecosystems.

Outlook Traveller spoke to Sharad Vats, the founder and director of Nature Safari India, and Ritu Makhija, the director of sustainability at TOFTigers, on what you need to know before going on a tiger safari in India.

Have The Right Attitude

A tiger safari requires meticulous planning
A national park has so much more to offer than just tiger sightings. Txanbelin/Shutterstock

As experts in wildlife tourism, both Makhija and Vats say that focusing solely on tigers is not the best way to approach a safari experience in a national park. “A national park has so much more to offer than just tiger sightings. Every tree, butterfly, bird, mammal, reptile and bug is as important to the ecosystem as the tiger. So, to witness them in the wild should also be an important takeaway from the safaris,” says Vats.

Makhija says that learning about the entire ecosystem helps in understanding the importance of conserving all species and their habitats. "A narrow focus on tigers can also cause undue pressure on specific areas, potentially stressing the animals and degrading habitats. Diversifying interests helps distribute tourist impact more evenly across the park [which] supports sustainable tourism. Wildlife sightings are never guaranteed, and a broader interest in the park’s biodiversity ensures visitor satisfaction regardless of tiger sightings," she says.

Consider The States And Seasons

Wildlife sightings are never guaranteed
Maintain safe distances from wildlife and do not feed or approach animalsSourabh Bharti/Shutterstock

While Makhija stresses that tiger sightings are never guaranteed, she recommends travelling to Madhya Pradesh’s national parks (Kanha, Bandhavgarh, Pench, Panna, Satpura) from October to June; Rajasthan’s Ranthambore and Sariska from October to June; Maharashtra’s Tadoba Andhari from October to June; Karnataka’s Nagarhole and Bandipur from October to May; and Uttarakhand’s Jim Corbett from November to June to increase your chances of seeing a tiger.

Furthermore, tourists should behave respectfully towards the living environment and not cause disturbances in the wilderness.

Dress appropriately by wearing earth tones like green, beige and brown to camouflage yourself; maintain safe distances from wildlife; do not feed or approach animals; remember that flash photography is strictly prohibited; carry all your waste back with you; follow your guide’s instructions at all times; go on at least four to five safaris to increase your chances of seeing a tiger and be patient if you don’t them; keep movement to a minimum within the vehicle; tip your guide/naturalist and driver if you were happy with the experience [this is not necessary, however]; and share your feedback after the safari so that the tour operator can improve their experience.

Exploring 4-5 safaris increases your chances of spotting tigers
Go on at least 4-5 safaris to maximise your chances of seeing tigersSANCHIT RASTOGI/Shutterstock

According to Vats, though wildlife sightings are likely from November till June, the duration of tiger sightings improves considerably from March to May.

“As the temperature rises during the day, tigers and other predators prefer to be in [the] shade and closer to water holes while hunting. The necessity for frequent access to water curtails their wandering in the hot season, when pools are few and far in between. Hence, in these months the duration of sightings of all wildlife increases considerably,” he says.

The winter months of December to February are also conducive for tigers as they are more active during the day compared to the summer when they are mostly active in the early mornings and late evenings, says Vats.

“The rich winter coat of a tiger, the morning mist [and] the sublime golden light makes [for] a perfect canvas in the forest. The national park is also livelier with [the] activity of all animals and birds,” he says.

Sharad Vats says that the necessity for frequent access to water curtails tiger wanderings in the hot season when pools are few and far in between
Sharad Vats says that the necessity for frequent access to water curtails tiger wanderings in the hot season when pools are few and far in betweenAnuradha Marwah/Shutterstock

Don't embark on a tiger safari during the monsoon season i.e. from July 1 to September 30 as most national parks close at this time. However, some parks operate safaris in the buffer zones such as Pench, Tadoba, Corbett and Ranthambore.

Choose An Ethical Tour Operator

Sustainable tourism practices can significantly influence tiger populations by funding conservation efforts such as anti-poaching measures, habitat restoration and reserve management. However, unsustainable tourism can lead to habitat degradation, increased human-wildlife conflict and exploitation through unethical practices.

Thus, choosing a tour operator and hospitality provider who practices responsible tourism is a must. Here’s how you can determine the good from the bad.

TOFTiger’s PUG and FOOTPRINT certifications can help you find responsible tour operators
TOFTiger’s PUG and FOOTPRINT certifications can help you find responsible tour

1. Accreditation and Certification: Look for promoters of the respective company and their interest in wildlife and conservation. TOFTiger’s PUG and FOOTPRINT certifications can help you find responsible businesses.

2. Local Community Involvement: Ethical operators engage with local communities, contribute to conservation efforts and support sustainable tourism initiatives. They should prioritise the well-being of both wildlife and residents.

3. Guides and Naturalists: Ensure that the operator employs knowledgeable guides and naturalists who prioritise wildlife conservation and provide accurate information about tiger behaviour and habitats. Ethical travel companies are transparent about their operations and educate guests on the importance of conservation and responsible tourism.

4. Respect for Wildlife: Ethical operators prioritise the well-being of wildlife over tourist satisfaction. Vats says, "Tourism is for tigers, and tigers are not for tourism." Companies should adhere to park regulations, maintain safe distances from animals, and avoid behaviours that disturb or endanger wildlife.

Ensure that your tour operator employs knowledgeable guides and naturalists who prioritise wildlife conservation and provide accurate information about tiger behaviour and habitats
Ensure that your tour operator employs knowledgeable guides and naturalists who prioritise wildlife conservation and provide accurate information about tiger behaviour and habitatsDr Ajay Kumar Singh/Shutterstock

5. Environmental Practices: Consider operators that follow environmentally friendly practices such as waste reduction, energy conservation and minimising their ecological footprint. How involved is the travel agent in supporting conservation efforts through direct contributions to wildlife projects or partnerships with conservation organisations?

6. Transparency and Communication: Ethical operators are transparent about their operations, pricing, and the impact of tourism on wildlife and habitats. They should be willing to answer questions about their conservation efforts and community involvement.

7. Reviews and Recommendations: Check online reviews and seek recommendations from other travellers or conservation organisations to gauge the operator's reputation and ethical standards. A reputable agent will have positive feedback regarding their ethical practices and overall experience.

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