A Day In The Life Of The Ashram

From silent meditation and soulful chanting to yoga lessons and garden work, here’s what to expect at the Sivananda Ashram
A Day In The Life Of The Ashram
A day in the Ashram
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2 min read

The resonating sound of the bells at 5.20 am and 5.50 am, tells you it’s time to get moving. To what and where? To satsang, the heart and soul of the ashram, in the magnificent meditation hall, adorned with beautiful images of deities and the gurus, Swami Sivananda and Swami Vishnudevananda. Half-an-hour silent meditation, half-an-hour soulful chanting and an inspiring reading from the gurus’ teachings sets you up for the day.

How many of us in our daily lives feel not only refreshed but joyful and inspired by 7.30 am? Then to tea, a gathering of guests, with the volunteer staff—the backbone of the ashram—to serve you.

Asana class
Asana class

The bell sounds again, a call to yoga class.There’s a choice. Beginners, to be guided step-by-step through the twelve basic asanas, the core teaching of Sivananda Yoga, or, with yoga under your belt, Intermediate, a more advanced practice.

So now you’ve meditated, chanted and yoga’d. 

You’re hungry. No worries. Brunch awaits. In the dining hall you are served, again by volunteers, a delicious vegetarian meal, eating in silence, respecting the sanctity of food.

Half an hour of rest, and then the practice of Karma Yoga, selfless service, one of the great paths of the yoga teachings which opens the heart and fosters compassion. You may help out in the ashram boutique, garden work, cleaning, clearing—wherever you are needed on the day.

Already you feel part of the ashram. Even in this short time, there is a palpable sense of working together for the betterment of body and mind. Noon-time offers optional coaching classes, with personal guidance from senior teachers, on meditation, mantras, chanting, asanas, pranayama, ashram life. Or for those who want a health-check you can visit their on-site Ayurveda Clinic, book a massage or sign up for Panchakarma, a powerful therapy to restore mental and physical balance.

Tea again and then the Yoga Talk, a series of lectures on yoga in its fullest sense. Here you learn about the ‘Five Points of Yoga’ of Swami Vishnudevananda embracing the ancient teachings of yoga. How the mind works and its control, philosophy, meditation and concentration, prana and pranayama, kundalini and more. Your mind is opening, your heart beginning to melt.

So again, a yoga class. Again, a meal and again satsang. The day is at an end. You retire early, body, mind and soul nourished and nurtured.  At last, on the road to lasting physical health and mental well-being. 

Website: www.sivananda.org.in

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