10 Things You Can Do To Save the Ocean

OT Staff

Mind Your Carbon Footprint

Combat climate change impacts on oceans by minimising car use and being energy-conscious at home and work. Start by using compact fluorescent light bulbs, opting for stairs, and adjusting your clothing.


Make Sustainable Seafood Choices

Global fish populations are declining due to high demand, habitat loss, and unsustainable fishing. Help reduce pressure on overexploited species by choosing healthful, sustainable seafood when shopping or dining out.


Use Fewer Plastic Products

Ocean debris from plastics destroys habitats and kills thousands of marine animals annually. To reduce your impact, use a reusable water bottle, store food in nondisposable containers, bring reusable bags when shopping, and recycle whenever possible.


Help Take Care Of The Beach

Whether diving, surfing, or relaxing on the beach, always clean up after yourself. Appreciate the ocean without disturbing wildlife or removing rocks and coral. Encourage others to respect the marine environment and participate in local beach cleanups to make a more significant impact.


Avoid Items That Exploit Marine Life

Avoid products that harm coral reefs and marine life, such as coral jewellery, tortoiseshell hair accessories (from hawksbill turtles), and shark products.


Be An Ocean-Friendly Pet Owner

Choose pet foods with sustainable seafood and avoid flushing cat litter, which can harm marine life. Do not stock your aquarium with wild-caught saltwater fish or release aquarium fish into natural waters, as this can introduce harmful non-native species to the ecosystem.


Support Organisations

Many organisations work to protect ocean habitats and marine wildlife. Support a national organisation with donations or volunteer work. If you live near the coast, join a local branch and participate in nearby projects to make a direct impact.


Influence Change In Your Community

Before voting, research the ocean policies of public officials and contact local representatives to express support for marine conservation. Patronise restaurants and grocery stores that offer sustainable seafood, and voice concerns if you see threatened species on the menu or at the seafood counter.


Travel The Ocean Responsibly

Practice responsible boating and kayaking by never throwing anything overboard and being mindful of marine life. If planning a cruise, research the most eco-friendly option for your next vacation.


Educate Yourself

Understanding the ocean's importance inspires action for its health. Educate yourself on its challenges, then share knowledge to inspire others.
