10 Of The Most Incredible Frogs In The World

Nidhi Kadere

Red-Eyed Tree Frog 

One of the most iconic and colourful amphibians in the world, this frog has bright green skin with blue and yellow stripes and stunning red eyes. It lives in the rainforests of Central and South America. 

Red-Eyed Tree Frog | Shutterstock

Glass Frog

This frog is named for its transparent skin, which allows you to see its internal organs, bones, and blood vessels. It lives in the trees of the tropical rainforests of Central and South America.

Glass Frog | Shutterstock

Amazon Milk Frog 

This frog is a large and impressive amphibian that can grow up to 10 cm in length. It lives in the upper canopy of the Amazon rainforest, where it feeds on insects and spiders.

Amazon Milk Frog perched up a bud | Shutterstock

Giant African Bullfrog

This frog is the largest and heaviest frog in Africa and one of the largest in the world. It lives in the savannas and grasslands of southern Africa, where it burrows underground and hibernates during the dry season.

Giant African Bullfrog | Shutterstock

Poison Dart Frog

This frog is one of the most poisonous animals in the world, as it has a potent toxin in its skin that can kill or paralyse predators. It lives in the humid forests of Central and South America.

A pair of Poison Dart Frogs | Shutterstock

Riggenbach Reed Frog

The Riggenbach red frog is a small to medium-sized amphibian that can be found in parts of Africa. It relies on heat from its surroundings to regulate its body temperature to survive in hot and arid climates.

Riggenbach Reed Frog | Shutterstock

Dyeing Poison Dart Frog

This particular frog is native to Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Venezuela. Its poison is made up of a compound called tetrodotoxin, which is also present in pufferfish and blue-ringed octopuses.

Dyeing Poison Dart Frog | Shutterstock

Three-Striped Poison Frog

The three-striped poison frog is renowned for its stunning appearance. In terms of morphology, there is no explicit sexual differentiation in this species, although females tend to be slightly larger.

Three-Striped Poison Frog | Shutterstock

Yellow Banded Poison Dart Frog

The yellow-banded poison dart frog is native to the northern rainforests of South America. They have black bodies adorned with striking yellow markings, giving them the nickname "bumblebee poison frog".

Yellow Banded Poison Dart Frog | Shutterstock

Mimic Poison Frog

Despite its small stature, this frog is found in the damp montane forests at elevations of 4,900 to 8,200 feet. A remarkable feature of this frog is its ability to mimic other poison frogs.

Mimic Poison Frog | Shutterstock

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