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NASA Plans 90-Minute Flight from New York To London

OT Staff

Imagine hopping on a passenger jet in New York City and touching down in London just 90 minutes later. It sounds like the stuff of science fiction, but space agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is exploring this groundbreaking concept. In a bold leap forward, NASA is collaborating with aviation experts to revolutionise long-haul travel.

The Need For Speed

For decades, travellers have yearned for a quicker way to cross the Atlantic. Conventional commercial flights between New York and London take around 7 to 8 hours, but with the development of hypersonic technology, NASA and its partners are looking to change the game.

Hypersonic flight involves travelling at speeds greater than Mach 5, which is approximately five times the speed of sound. This means reaching velocities exceeding 3,800 miles per hour. To put it into perspective, traditional commercial jets typically cruise at around Mach 0.85, or 647 miles per hour.

NASA's research and development in hypersonic travel could shrink the transatlantic journey to just 90 minutes, making it nearly six times faster than the fastest commercial flights available today. Imagine departing from JFK International Airport in New York and arriving at Heathrow Airport in London before you even finish a movie.

A replica of the NASA's famous North American X-15 66670, an hypersonic rocket-powered aircraft

The Science Behind Hypersonic Travel

Hypersonic flight introduces several unique challenges compared to subsonic or even supersonic travel. The key factor is the intense heat generated during hypersonic flight. As an aircraft travels at such high speeds, it encounters friction with the air molecules, leading to temperatures that can exceed 3,500 degrees Fahrenheit. This extreme heat can warp or damage traditional aircraft materials.

To overcome this, NASA is developing cutting-edge materials and designs to withstand the extreme conditions of hypersonic flight. These innovations include advanced heat-resistant materials and novel cooling systems to protect the aircraft and its passengers.

Environmental Benefits

In addition to the allure of speed, NASA's hypersonic travel project also focuses on reducing the environmental impact of aviation. Traditional supersonic aircraft like the Concorde faced criticism for their sonic booms and high emissions. NASA's new approach aims to address these concerns.

Hypersonic travel has the potential to be more environmentally friendly for several reasons. First, the shorter flight times mean fewer emissions per journey. Second, the development of quieter supersonic technologies could mitigate the disturbance caused by sonic booms. NASA's commitment to sustainability aligns with the growing global emphasis on reducing the carbon footprint of air travel.

Collaboration And Innovation

NASA is not undertaking this ambitious endeavour alone. The agency is collaborating with industry leaders, including Boeing and Lockheed Martin, to develop and test hypersonic technology. These partnerships bring together NASA's expertise in aeronautics and aerospace with the experience and resources of leading aviation companies.

One of the key projects under this collaboration is the X-59 QueSST (Quiet Supersonic Transport) aircraft. This experimental plane aims to demonstrate that quiet supersonic flight is achievable, which would pave the way for future commercial hypersonic travel. The X-59 is designed to reduce the intensity of sonic booms to a level that would allow supersonic flights over populated areas, a game-changer for commercial aviation.

The Road Ahead

While the prospect of travelling from New York to London in just 90 minutes is undeniably exciting, there are still hurdles to overcome before hypersonic travel becomes a reality for the average traveller. Safety, cost, and infrastructure are among the many considerations that must be addressed. However, NASA's dedication to pushing the boundaries of aviation technology offers hope for a future where long-haul travel is not just quicker but also more sustainable. 

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