Travel news

Mana, the Last Village of India, is up for a Makeover

Shruti Singh

Mana, located on the fringe of India-China border, often referred to as the &lsquolast village of India&rsquo skirting the popular pilgrimage hub of Badrinath in Chamoli district, is all set to be developed as an 'Iconic Village'. 

Perched at an altitude of 3,200 meters on the banks of river Saraswati, this village has already made a stamp on the tourist map with several attractions like the Neekanth Peak, Tapt Kund (natural hot spring), Vasundhara Falls, Vyas Gufa and Bheema Pul, alluring travellers and adventurers alike. It has a significant place in Hindu mythology (Mahabharata), it is believed that the Pandavas crossed the village&nbspduring their&nbspfinal&nbspjourney to heaven.

The village makeover will be on the lines of traditional vernacular hill architecture of Uttarakhand Koti Banal and the layout plan will include cobbled roads, an auditorium and an entry gate.&nbspFor seamless navigation of the village, e-rickshaws or other lightweight eco-friendly vehicles will be arranged for tourists as private vehicles of tourists are forbidden from entering due to security and traffic concerns.

With an allocation of 7 crores  in funds, the proposed facelift will make the already popular village of Mana more tourist friendly for those who want to visit. Furthermore,  the revamp will also contribute to the economy of the village and its inhabitants. Sounds like a win-win for all.

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