For anyone who appreciates Leonardo da Vinci&rsquos contributionsto art, this would be the best time to visit Europe. As one of the main events to commemorate the 500th year of da Vinci&rsquos death, The Uffizi Gallery in Florence, October onward, will have the &lsquoThe Leicester Codex of Leonardo da Vinci Water as Microscope of Nature&rsquo exhibition. Other things to check out would be a lock of da Vinci&rsquos hair (from a private collection) at the Leonardo da Vinci Museum in the Tuscan town of Vinci a special exhibition dedicated to the Duke of Milan, who sponsored The Last Supper, in Loches till September 15 a restored self-portrait of the great master at Turin&rsquos Biblioteca Reale along with other drawings (July8&ndashSeptember 15) and a major show at the Louvre in Paris among other planned cultural events. If you can only make it to the UK, then 12 simultaneous exhibitions of a total of 144 drawings by da Vinci, belonging to the Royal Collection Trust, would be on public view across the country, including the Buckingham Palace.