
Visit These Tranquil Forests For A Unique Holiday

Precious Kamei

Get out We don't say this more often to ourselves, now do we Once we look up from our cellphones, tablets, laptops (and even books), we automatically get a tad far away from half the problems of this world. When we say "get out", we mean outdoors. Preferably out in the woods, nature for company. Forest can be therapeutic and nature therapy, also known as forest bathing or shinrin-yoku is a refreshing practice that puts you right in the company of nature. Here are six spectacular forests where one can experience peace (well, if you somehow learn the art of ignoring other tourists around you) and probably feel good about yourself.

Humboldt Redwoods State Park, California, U.S
The drive along the Avenue of the Giants in Humboldt Redwoods State Park will make you feel small. Not in a bad way though. The park is home to famous redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) that can grow over 91 metres in height. And that's tall. These ancient trees are iconic and one of the trees in this forest is large enough for you to drive through. Best areas to explore are the Founders Grove Nature Trail and Rockefeller Loop at the Bull Creek Flats.

Daintree Rain Forest, Australia

This forest is old, as in 180 million years old and counting. Stretched across an area of 460 square miles, this forest is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. A hike through the Mount Sorrow Ridge Trail is a seven hour affair and will take you the beautiful rainforest overlooking the Great Barrier Reef.

Crooked Forest, Poland

The name is self-explanatory. The trees are crooked in this forest. There pine trees of this forest are bent at 90-degree angle. People like to argue over the reason behind this curious shape, could be natural or man-made, all we know that it's a pretty and weird sight and one can will leave all worries behind once they start wondering what made them this way. Hmm a puzzler. The scenery is surreal and is a national treasure.

Hallerbos Forest, Belgium

Also known as "the blue forest", the Hallerbos Forest in Belgium is pretty in blue. Each spring, the forest floor gets covered in blue because of the bluebell flowers. The forest is mainly a beech and oak forest but these tress are definitely not the main feature here. Trails go through these blue forest floor and the beautiful mix of green and blue is soothing for both sight and soul.

Sagano Bamboo Forest in Kyoto, Japan

There are no unattractive bamboo groves. Won't you agree This lovely forest in an even lovelier shade of green is simply breathtaking. Tall bamboo that goes many stories high presents a pretty picture when rays of sunlight hit the plants. Most days when there is a wind, one can even hear the bamboo stalks knock against each other thus producing a soothing sound.

Goblin Forest, New Zealand

Don't let the name fool you, there are no goblins here. And even if we are wrong, so be it. This forest is spectacular in its own very unique way. Here the trees are all gnarly and in tangles, totally covered in moss. Due to this presence of moss, the trees look eerie and hence the name.

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