If you are a cycling enthusiast and willing to trudge uphill to see some of the beautiful forts of Maharashtra, then this is just for you. Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation (MTDC) is organising an adventure-based two-day cycle race in October. Called the Fort Cyclothon, it includes visits to the hill forts of Singhad, Torna and Rajgad. The total distance covered will be around 120km, and will involve off-road and uphill travel. Participants have to bring their own cycles, puncture kits and spare accessories, and protective gear. Wearing a helmet is a must. MTDC will provide food and stay facilities. Participants to the Cyclothon 2015, to be held from October 10-11, 2015, will have to register by September 15, 2015. Age limit and registration fees apply.
What Fort Cyclothon 2015
Where Maharashtra
When October 10-11, 2015 (register by September 15, 2015)
Contact www.maharashtratourism.gov.in