1. budgettravel.com
Hot deals, budget travel ideas, top tips, travel advice and much more.
2. rocketmiles.com
Book hotels, earn miles and fly around the world.
3. bing.com/travel
It predicts when ticket prices will fall/rise, and so you can book at the best possible time, at the cheapest possible rates.
4. autoslash.com
Rent cars at the lowest prices.
5. befrugal.com
Draw up a budget with the website&rsquos &lsquoFly or Drive Calculator&rsquo.
6. priceline.com
Find discounts on just about anything &mdash flights, hotels, cruises&hellip
7. travelstogether.com
Discover like-minded people to travel with. Form a group, avail bulk discounts and cut down on costs.
8. backpacker.net
Explore backpacker havens and hostels around the world read recommendations from fellow backpackers.
9. travelfish.org
Figure out places to visit and deals via this online travel guide to Southeast Asia.
10. hotwire.com
Book hotels and flights, and rent cars at discounted rates.
11. NomadicMatt.com
Get advice on budget travel anywhere in the world.