
The Saur Project

Lakshmi Patel

An ongoing project by a voluntary outfit called DueNorth, the Saur Project is also titled &lsquoLeveraging Tourism for Creating Sustainable Livelihoods in Rural Uttarakhand&rsquo. Only a few years ago, &lsquoresponsible tourism&rsquo seemed little more than a fashionable catchphrase to persuade earnest holidayers to part with their money a little bit more guiltlessly. Things have come a long way since then. Just take a trip to Saur to see for yourself. 

&nbspThere&rsquos a whole host of ways by which SAUR claims to develop this neglected region in Tehri Garhwal for the visitor, a chance to stay in a village in the throes of reinventing itself and experiencing village life that goes beyond a bullock cart ride. 

&nbspAccommodation is offered in two cottages, each suitable for a family/group of three to four (two more cottages will be ready soon). The cottages are old village houses renovated to offer all the comforts one might expect but which eschew trendiness of any kind materials used are local, the aesthetic remains local and the housekeeping is done by locals. Other projects include training in crafts production &mdash an innovation will be to use pine needles to create mats and baskets. DueNorth has a crafts production centre in Chamba village, and items produced there will also be available in Saur.

 Location Saur village is 50min from Chamba in Tehri&ndashGarhwal, and is best approached by road via either Mussoorie or Rishikesh

Tariff Rs 9,500 for 2N/3D for three persons, all-inclusive

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